Old Silicon is devoted to the restoration of great computers that changed history
The Workstation Collection
I continue to document all my Unix bases systems but i admit I have fallen behind a bit. I currently own a SPARCstations IPC, IPX, LX, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 as well as a Sun Ultra 1 and Ultra 5, and a SunBlade 2000. I also have a NeXTstation Color, and SGI Indigo 3K and 4K, and an Indy 5K. Some of the restorations are documented below and some are still being written up. Check back and hopefully I can clear the backlog!
Sun SPARCstation Voyager
Sun SPARCstation IPC
Silicon Graphics Indigo R4400
Sun SPARCstation IPX
Silicon Graphics Indy
Next NextStation Color
Silicon Graphics Indigo R3000
Since I started collecting and restoring various older computers, I really wanted an Indigo. This R3000 was my first acquisition and it’s been a handful. I plan to dig in and work on the long story soon.
The Portable Collection
Most of my personal computer restorations have been portables (luggables really). Its more a issue with space than anything else. There are plenty of desktops I would love to restore but my collection has grown to a point that its just not feasible to keep full size systems around. The one exception is the NCR desktop box. it has such an unusual and iconic design I just had to buy it a restore it. It still looks like its from the future!
IBM 5155 Portable
Osborne 1
Kaypro II
Commodore SX-64
Compaq Portable 1
Compaq Portable III
Compaq Portable II
The Personal Computer Collection
The Apple Collection
When i started restoring computers as a hobby, I didn’t really have a strategy. I just got things that I had either played with in the past, wanted to play with in the past but couldn’t afford at the time, or just never had. The Apple II was one of those machines. I spend a lot of time restoring that computer and made a few mistakes that taught me how to approach some of the older machines. I ended up selling the Apple IIe but have sense picked up an original Mac 128k that a friend gave me. Im still working away documenting some of these boxes.
Apple IIe Platinum
In January 1987 came the final revision of the Apple IIe, often referred to as the Platinum IIe, due to the color change of its case to the light-grey color scheme that Apple dubbed "Platinum".
Mac Color Classic
The Macintosh Color Classic is a personal computer designed, manufactured and sold by Apple Computer, Inc. from February 1993 to May 1995. The Color Classic is the final model of the original "compact" family of Macintosh computers.