Workstation Starter Disk Image Library
The following are boot images from most of my workstation collection. Almost all the Workstations in my collection use ZuluSCSI SCSI emulators for their primary disk. This makes it easy to back them up and mount CD images without actually dragging my CDRom Drive out. I’ve decided to make these image available free for anyone that is pursuing getting a classic workstation functional again.
I’ve listed the configuration of each machine in my collection. For the simpler early Sun Machines images from the same archetecture machine may work on other machines of the same archetecture. For later machines this is less likely to work. When downloading an SGI image, make sure the processor architecture matches or the image will not work.
The older Sun boxes images are SunOS 4.1.4 Images as that OS works much better on the slower machines. The new Sun Boxes use Solaris 2.6 images.
Please read the readme links below for modifications that were made to working images.
How to use these images / Getting started with ZuluSCSI
Slow booting disk image?
README regarding my SunOS 4.1.4 Disk Images
README regarding my Solaris 2.6 Disk Images
README regarding Irix 6.5 Disk Images
Security Information
If you have problems, feel free to contact me on the sites Contact Me link at the top of the page!
Checksum: f2f358f59cf0893e85d8b163213f0a360de1046a
Download: HD3_SunOS_4.1.4_IPC_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: a19e93622695d3affc27c6368e05b5d069867fdb
Download: HD3_SunOS_4.1.4_IPX_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: 28aa46d9c4f48c9fa3b13811508770b8d5a82c9f
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_LX_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: ef78faba0ccc307ed8f12d2c1762f4cd674c9532
Download: HD3_SunOS_4.1.4_SWS_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: 84a7735b39f69c75d440f85363a4e5d00fcd3f71
Download: HD3_SunOS_4.1.4_SS2_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: 3e541bcb34bcf89d2b3dbe9ea1d94a9ed09f5a63
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_SS5_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: d35406cdb5c2801592b54808b9e82ca33d404b1e
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_SS10_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: c4e5d1b5f7ade9d0378609b11dfa0775d0c801c1
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_SS20_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: 1404f23e5e9b352e1351100312471b073a0d19d5
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_Voyager_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: ed65a79a17656de92cf4609b0be49bdf69e758bc
Download: HD3_Solaris_2.6_U1_PROTO_512.img.gz
Checksum: 91dd1bb86694454b344dca3f5d7ccb4812061f99
Download: HD1_Irix_6.5_Indigo4k_PROTO_512.hda.gz
Checksum: e1e54345262d31a8012edb968c65cfd35c9c089d
Download: HD1_Irix_6.5_Indy5k_PROTO_512.hda.gz
Download: <coming soon>