Notes on SunOS 4.1.4 (Solaris 1.1.2) Based Disk Images


This README covers the Sun 4C prototype images I host on my site It also appears in the root directory of the image.

I make these images available to help classic workstation enthusiasts get old hardware running more easily. Installing older OS versions can be time-consuming, so the goal of these prototype images is to simplify the process, allowing you to get started quickly and then customize as needed.

I've also made several modifications based on OS version and sometimes hardware. For example, the SunOS 4.1.4 images have been patched for DNS, eliminating the need to run NIS/YP (Yellow Pages).

Additionally, I've included the Motif Window Manager along with the Motif 1.2 libraries and header files.

Below, you'll find a checklist of tasks to get your machine up and running on your network.

If you end up compiling useful tools and utilities not included in these images, please consider contributing them back to my project for inclusion in future versions.


These are very old operating systems. An installation of any of them wouldn't last a minute on the Internet without being hacked, so they should only be used behind a NAT cable modem, firewall or similar device. Most of these images don't use passwords by default, so be cautious and add a password after getting the system running for basic security.

I host a SHA1 hash on my site to verify the image you downloaded before booting it. Since the SHA1 will become invalid once you boot the image, it's a good idea to verify it right after downloading. If you got this image from another website, I would caution you that one of these images could easily host some code that could infiltrate your home network. Be safe and download a new copy from


This image was taken from my ZuluSCSI SD-CARD. The OS installation was from a CD-ROM image, and modified as described below. I use Zulu RP2040s because they are a bit faster, but I'm sure other devices will work fine as well. Format the SD card to ExFAT and place the image on the card. None of the images require a special Zulu.ini file but I encourage you to leave the final part of the name of the image “_512.img” as tells the Zulu to use 512 by blocks.

This image should also work on a SCSI2SD if you bit copy the image to the card and configure the card ahead of time. It should work on an actual hard disk, though I haven't tested this.


This image has been patched to use DNS without NIS (Yellow Pages), which was a non-standard configuration at the time. However, it was common for government agencies and academia to request DNS without NIS. Sun reluctantly provided files to patch the libc shared library with DNS resolver routines. The patched files are located in:


The procedure is documented on my website, but this has already been done on this image.


There are two accounts on the image: "root" and "user". The root account has no password, so you can log in directly. The user account is a prototype that you can rename and use as needed. The "user" account also has no password.


I've compiled "tcsh" from source, and it’s located i /usr/local/bin. The root account uses this as its default shell. If you want to change the root shell, edit /etc/passwd to the shell of your choice. Additionally, I compiled an early version of bash from source, also located in /usr/local/bin.


You can telnet into the system by default after changing the IP address. Many modern machines present themselves as xterm-256color. You can add a definition to termcap if you like. The ".cshrc" file in both accounts remaps the terminal to "xterm" for common terminals I log in from, but you can adjust this as needed.


This image is set up for my home network, so you'll need to make some changes for it to work on yours. The image is configured for a static IP (DHCP wasn’t common in 1993). It's currently set to "192.168.7.x" on the "192.168.7.x" network, with my DNS server at "".

To adapt this image to your environment, you will need to change the following files:

- /etc/hostname.le0: Replace with the hostname you are giving the machine
- /etc/defaultrouter: Replace "" with your gateway router.
- /etc/hosts: Update with your desired workstation IP, name, etc
- /etc/netmasks: Replace my network with yours.
- /etc/resolv.conf: Update with your nameserver IP and optionally your search domain

## OpenWindows, X11R6, X11R5, and Motif 1.2

The image contains working versions of OpenWindows, X11R5, X11R6, and the Motif Window Manager and libraries. I personally use X11R6 and the Motif Window Manager, which was compiled against X11R5.


To start XWindows, type "startx" after logging in as root or user. Startx is a customized start script located in /usr/local/bin. It redefines .xinitrc to xinitrc.x11 so when the X server starts it looks in your home directory for .xinitrc.x11. This is to avoid conflict with


To start Openwindows 3, type openwin.

Both environments use .Xdefaults in your home directory. Note that it appears that Openwindows can't cope with comments lines, lines starting with, "#" in .Xdefaults.

The default window manager for X11 is mwm, and both root and user have setup .mwmrc and .Xdefaults files.

Motif 1.2 was not free at the time X11 was released, and the source code, libraries, and headers were all paid-for software. Even today, it's difficult to find a complete archive of version 1.2 to compile from source.

While you can find Motif 2.x, I was unable to compile it on SunOS 4.1.4. It took some ingenuity and luck to piece together a complete working Motif development environment based on version 1.2 for this image. Note: the Motif UIL compiler is not included as I could not find it. If you have a version of it compiled for 4.1.4 consider donating it!

The Motif libraries and the mwm (Motif Window Manager) were obtained from a CD-ROM likely associated with another software package. While it contained binaries for SunOS 4.1.4, it lacked the header files required to compile other Motif applications.

My goal was to create a complete Motif development environment for this image. I managed to do so by taking the Xm header files from the Solaris 2.6 CDE Environment and rehosting them on the SunOS 4.1.4 image under /usr/include/X11/Xm. While I'm not entirely certain that the libraries and headers are from the same Motif 1.2 version, I successfully compiled a large Motif application I built in the early 1990s using this combination, and it worked fine. The only thing missing is the actual mwm source code, but the CD included a precompiled "mwm" that works great as long as the shared Xm library is found in /usr/lib.

There are two versions of XWindows on this image. The first is X11R5, required to run the "mwm" window manager. The "mwm" binary is linked against shared R5 libraries, located in /usr/bin/X11, /usr/lib/X11, and /usr/include/X11, and these directories can't be moved without breaking "mwm".

The second version is X11R6, which I compiled from scratch and is located in /usr/X11R6/bin, /usr/X11R6/lib, and /usr/X11R6/include.

If you don't want mwm, you can remove all the R5 directories, and everything will work fine with X11R6. If you prefer OpenWindows, you can likely remove both X11 directory sets, and everything should work fine as long as OpenWindows is still in your path.

The test user on the image is user, and if you look at the .xinitrc file, you’ll see how I default to the X11R6 server (which has many improvements over the R5 server) but run mwm out of the R5 tree. It all works fine but may be confusing without some explanation.


I edited the startup script of the Xserver to increase the key repeat onset and key repeat rate.


Older xterms in these releases don’t handle color well, so I downloaded a newer version of the xterm source (its still old) that understands xterm-256color codes. I built and installed the new xterm in both the R5 and R6 binary locations. The originals have been renamed xterm.orig in both places should you want to revert.


I'm functional at vi but its never been my favorite. I've installed my old standby "uemacs" (microemacs) in /usr/local/bin. If its good enough for linus torvalds its good enough for me. (

I built and compiled many common GNU utilities, as well as gcc and g++ up to version 2.8.1. These are 1990s-era compilers but work great. It was a multi-day effort to get this compiler suite working. The default Sun CC is still on the box and usable, but it’s a K&R compiler without prototypes, so it won’t compile anything new.

Just use GCC and GNU make in /usr/local/bin, and you’ll be fine.

[ipx2:[root]:/usr/local/bin] ls
a2p               make
bash             patch
bashbug      perl
c++               perl5.00405
c++filt          perlbug
c2ph             perldoc
chill               pl2pm
cm                pod2html
cpp               pod2latex
egrep           pod2man
fgrep            pod2text
find2perl      protoize
g++               pstruct
g77                s2p
gcc               screen
gcj                sed
gcjh              sparc-sun-sunos4.1.4-gcc
gcov             splain
grep              tcsh
gunzip          top
gzexe            unprotoize
gzip               vs
h2ph             zcat
h2xs              zcmp
jcf-dump     zdiff
jv-scan        zforce
less               zgrep
lessecho     zmore
lesskey        znew


Finally, if you find this image helpful and you end up compiling more software using it, please let me know! I would love to keep adding to the image and re-releasing it.

SunOS 4.1.4 is a fast, fun operating system that makes these older

SPARCstations fairly zippy!
