It’s Time to Launch

After a month of working on the site, it’s time to launch.

OldSilicon is not done yet, and probably never will be, but there’s enough stuff here to make it interesting. My goal with OldSilicon is to build a place that celebrates the computers of the 1970’s, 1980’s and into the 1990’s while at the same time records and tracks my progress acquiring, restoring, and enjoying the OldSilicon that makes up these great old computers!

These machines are the physical manifestation of a new era that, for the first time, included computers real people could use. We didn’t know what hardware would win, we didn’t know what OS was going to win, but we all knew computers were here to stay in one way or another. For many like me, we were the first generation of explorers that inhabited this new world. I was so enthralled with many of the machines featured in OldSilicon that they became critical tools of my career.

OldSilicon is designed to record my knowledge of each restoration that I undertake. Right now I have folders and folders worth of information about each computer. Some information wasn’t relevant in the end, but a lot was. OldSilicon is devoted to showing these interesting machines, giving a little background on each (often plagiarized from other places on the Web), and recording the work that went into restoring each computer both statically and dynamically via this blog.

I hope for some of you it brings back happy memories like it does for me!

more old silicon


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